Homemade Back Acne Treatment - Could These Natural Face Masks Cure Your Back Acne

While prescriptions and over the counter medications can be a good choice for treating back acne, a homemade back acne treatment can be a desirable option for people who like to keep it natural and reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals and drugs.

Keep in mind that using a homemade back acne treatment can be effective, but it can also take a lot longer for you to notice an improvement. If you can control the reasons why you suffer from back acne breakouts, you may also be able to improve and lessen the intensity and frequency of breakouts. Bacne can often be caused by irritation of your skin, or basically something rubbing on the skin that helps to trap dirt in the pores and then may lead to infection or bacne.

\"Face Masks\"

The irritation can be increased if you tend to carry a backpack which also rubs on your back or any tight fitting clothing that does not allow air to circulated in between the clothing and your skin. Choosing clothing that is more breathable, such as cotton, is also a very good idea.
Homemade Back Acne Treatment - Could These Natural Face Masks Cure Your Back Acne?
So what kinds of homemade back acne treatment are there? Some people swear by things they make up out of their own fridge. There are certain items that will work if you make up a mask. There are a variety of masks that you can create at home that you can apply to your back. You can create a mask by combining various ingredients into a paste and then applying it. A lemon mask is a combination of lime juice and rose water. Obviously, this will not be a paste mask, but you can apply it with cotton balls and allow it to dray on the skin. The naturally occurring astringent in lemon helps to reduce skin oil.
A simple tomato mask is made from crushed tomato pulp. Apply crushed tomato pulp directly to the affected area, allowing it to dry and remain on the skin for half an hour. The vitamins in tomato - A and C help to reduce the size of pores.
Oatmeal is another helpful ingredient. Cook the oatmeal, allow it to cool and add honey to it. Apply it to your skin and leave it on for twenty minutes. Oatmeal also removes excess oil from the skin and helps to prevent breakouts.
Mint juice and turmeric can be rubbed onto your back and left on for about fifteen minutes. This combination reduces inflammation and lessens the appearance of bacne.
Healthy eating, getting regular exercise and drinking more water are also tried and true when it comes to a homemade back acne treatment. Water helps to flush impurities and toxins from your body. Adding a teaspoon of honey and a half a lemon to the water once daily before you eat is another great home remedy. When it comes to eating right, eliminate refined sugar and fried foods from your diet. There is really no nutritional value in these kinds of foods in any event, so the less you eat of them, the better.
Homemade Back Acne Treatment - Could These Natural Face Masks Cure Your Back Acne?

Michael Gutierrez was a long time sufferer of back acne until he used this homemade back acne treatment that finally helped him say goodbye to acne for good.
He's also written many articles, such as this one on back acne treatment at home ideas that help people like yourself treat the acne on your back.

Clear Your Acne - Naturally!

Most people who suffer from acne go out and spend good money on common over-the-counter acne treatment products. The truth is, most of these products are full of chemicals that can actually slow down the healing of acne, and irritate your skin, causing farther breakouts.

When an acne product has 20 ingredients listed on it, it can be hard to know if one of those ingredients is actually stopping you from having success. It can be even harder when you can't pronounce the ingredient, much less know what it is and how it is going to affect your skin.


Most mainstream acne treatments are not only much more expensive than common household items, but they also don't always work as well either. With that in mind, I will list some basic household items that can work wonders on clearing up your skin.
Baking soda - A very cheap cooking ingredient that most people have in their homes already, baking soda can be used as a great scrub. The purpose of a scrub is to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin that can eventually clog pores and lead to acne spots.
To start off, you'll want to mix a small amount of baking soda with some water for form a paste. Baking soda is very effective as a scrub, so you want to be sure to be extra careful when applying it to your face. Gently massage the paste into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds. Then rinse the baking soda off, and pat your face dry with a clean towel.
Apple Cider Vinegar - Though most people that use vinegar to treat acne use the apple cider form of vinegar, you can also use plain old regular vinegar. Regardless of which type you use, vinegar can be very helpful with it comes to clearing up acne. It can kill off acne causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH, and absorb extra oil on your skin.
Starting with clean, dry skin, apply diluted vinegar (eight parts water to one part vinegar) directly to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on. If you want, you can also use a stronger vinegar solution (say, 2 or 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar), and apply it directly to problem areas, rinsing it off after ten minutes.
Lemon or lime juice can also be substituted for vinegar. Both of these juices are rich in citric acid, and can exfoliate your skin very well, halting the growth of acne spots, as well as fading previous, non-active acne quicker.
Egg Whites - Rich in protein, egg whites can be used as a mask to heal and rebuild your skin. It can also help to absorb excess oil from your skin.
To start off, crack an egg, removing the yolk so that just the egg whites are left behind. Beat these egg whites, and apply them directly to your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse the egg off.
Oatmeal - As odd as it may seem, oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities which reside deep in your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal like you would for consumption. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it sit for a while, like you would a mask, and then rinse off. If you do this on a regular basis, you should begin to start noticing results soon. It may feel funny, but it works!
Tea Tree Oil - TTO is a commonly used all-natural household antiseptic, which you can pick up at most drugstores or supermarkets. You can apply TTO directly to acne spots to kill bacteria, or, if you strongly dilute it with another oil (such as jojoba oil), over your entire face.
Tea tree gel can be easier to apply than the oil, and many are made for applying over large areas of skin, so they aren't quite as strong as straight TTO and do not need to be diluted.
Pantothenic Acid (Also known as Vit. B5) - Pantothenic acid can be taken in large quantities for the benefit of acne reduction. B5 works by helping your body to metabolize fats which would otherwise be later turned into sebum (oil) and excreted through the skin. Small amounts of B5 won't help though, and it has to be taken several times a day.
To help with acne, you will need to take 2.5 grams of pantothenic acid (the powder form is much easier to take), 4 times per day, for a total of 10 grams per day. Powdered B5 can be purchased from vitamin stores.
Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera has been used for many years in kitchens for topical application to burns. Another benefit of aloe is that it can prevent scaring, fade marks and help heal acne spots.
You now have an idea of some basic household items you can use on your skin, that work better than many OTC acne products, and are much cheaper to use. Since we have only really covered basic acne treatments, you can always take this to another level and take all natural, internal acne treatments.
This sums up our basic list of natural alternatives for chemical based acne treatment products. You can take this a step farther by attacking your acne from the inside out. Acne has been shown numerous times to be very closely affected by the digestive system, so keeping your entire digestive system working as smooth as possible can help reduce acne. I will help give you a basic idea of some all natural products you can take to help clear up acne.
Cucumber, lemon and carrot juice, brewer's yeast, and active charcoal pills are all capable of helping the digestive system function normally. Since the digestive system is closely related with the health of the skin, they should help reduce acne breakouts. Flax seed can also be wonderful for helping your skin heal faster.
Clear Your Acne - Naturally!

Ryan Bauer is a former acne sufferer who changed his entire life once he cleared his skin. He used the Acne No More Treatment System [http://www.100pointsin100days.com/acne/index.html] to completely cure his acne in only 3 weeks.
His life goal is to tell others about this Secret Acne Cure [http://www.100pointsin100days.com/acne/index.html] so they, too can live a happy life!

How To Get Rid Of Arm Acne

Acne is not only present on your face but also arms. Just like any area of your body, your arms have hair follicles. They are connected to sebaceous glands. Usually, when the dead cells and sebum clog the glands, acne will develop.

If you sweat a lot especially while wearing tight fitting clothes, you are likely to encounter acne on your arms. Tight clothing tend to prevent the sebum and dead skin cells from shedding off from the skin. Consequently, the pores will get clogged and acne will develop.


For acne prevention, it is better to wear loose clothing. Always change your clothes every day. You don't want the dirt and dust to block your pores.

Sometimes, you find it tempting to scratch the acne on your arms. By all means, don't do it. You don't want to have arms full with scars.

If you go to gym for workout, you should shower after workout. This will keep your skin free from sebum and sweat. Shower will also wash away dead skin cells. Make sure that you arm is clean and dry after shower.

You can apply anti-acne creams or lotions that contain benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid on the skin where acne develops. Massage them into the skin, and then leave it on for 30 seconds. Then rinse it off. Bear in mind that benzyl peroxide can bleach your clothes. Therefore, wear loose clothing to avoid discoloration on your clothes.

Your arms don't have many oil glands as your face. Therefore, use mild acne treatments to prevent your skin from the inflammation and drying. Always keep your arms clean by washing them with a mild soap. Make sure that you don't scrub your arms as this will make the acne worse.

Sometimes, your arms develop known as keratosis pilaris. They appears as a bump of keratin protein in the hair openings. You can find them on your upper arms. They are not pimples. You can get rid of them by scrubbing your arms with a loofah.

Acne on arms may affect your self-esteem. With these simple tips, you can prevent and get rid of acne on your arms. If it still persists, then you should see a dermatologist for an appropriate treatment.

How To Get Rid Of Arm Acne

Are you dying to discover the truth once and for all if you can remove acne for good? Read about Acnezine review. Find how it can treat your acne naturally from inside out even scarring at http://www.acnecrusher.com/acnezine-review.php

Can Tomatoes Help Acne How a Tomato Can Prevent Acne

It's often surprising to learn how certain foods can affect acne, not in their eating, but as a topical skin agent. In other articles, I've discussed green tea and olive oil. Today we'll go to the other end of the spectrum, and talk about tomatoes.

Tomatoes, which are technically a fruit, are incredibly healthy for you, not just in vitamins for healthy living, but also in nutrients for your skin, such as potassium, magnanese, and calcium. Tomatoes are especially helpful in treating oily skin, which in turn, helps to prevent blackheads and other acne outbreaks. You don't have to eat the tomatoes to gain the benefit -- though you can do that too -- you can actually apply them directly to your skin.

\"Face Masks\"

You see, the tomato is a natural astringent, which cools the skin and tightens your pores. It has a high content in vitamins A and C, which works to brighten dull skin tone, normalize oily skin, and encourage skin regeneration. Here are a couple of types of methods you can use to have a simple tomato prevent acne:
Can Tomatoes Help Acne? How a Tomato Can Prevent Acne
Tomato Acne recipe one: The tomato facial. This is exactly as it sounds. Cut a tomato in slices, and rub or press onto your face, allowing the tomato juice to sit on your face for 5-10 minutes. After, wash your entire face with cool water and a clean cloth.
Tomato Acne recipe two: The tomato mask. Cut the tomato in half, and using a melon scooper, or even just a spoon, scoop the flesh of the tomato out. Apply the pulp to your face, allowing it to soak in for 5-10 minutes. Wash again with water and a clean cloth. If you'd like to make a mixture, you can add honey, which will moisturize your face at the same time.
Tomato Acne recipe three: Another tomato mixture. Since we're talking mixtures, adding avocado to the mix is also a good idea. Avocado is good for reducing oil, and softening your skin. Take a small tomato and a small avocado, mash them together, and mix well. Apply the mixture to your face, and let sit for 20 minutes. Follow this with a cleansing wash of warm water and a cool cloth.
Can Tomatoes Help Acne? How a Tomato Can Prevent Acne

There are lots of ways you can use natural products to help your acne, some of them not what you'd expect. Check the next page to see some Acne control methods that work surprisingly well.
If you are an acne sufferer, you aren't alone, continue on to see how you can help your acne. => Keep reading...