Understand The Right Way of Applying Makeup additional

Pimple On Lip

Applying makeup properly takes a bit of research, some pictures for a visual and lots of practice. There are lots of different kinds of makeup and makeup tools that it is important to know what they are all used for. Some people wear the same makeup during the day and night, while other people have a special look for night and a different one for the day. There is also appropriate makeup for going out at night and a more suitable one for daytime use.

Makeup has been around for years and continuous to improve and intrigue us with new ideas and fancy packaging. With all of the makeup counters at the mall and so many different brands to choose from at the drug stores it`s amazing to riffle through and pick colors and brands that will work. The best thing to do is to have a look through magazines and find a look that you like.

Try to find a model that has the same hair color and skin tone as you. Once you do find a look you like, check the bottom of the magazine, sometimes there is a note in tiny writing that tells you what the model is wearing. And if you don`t want to buy the particular brands she is wearing, at least you can copy the colors.

Foundation is the first part of the facial routine you will want to have. Some people put on a lot while others just dab it on lightly. It can be applied with a brush or a damp sponge, some people even use their fingers, however the oils from your fingers can cause the makeup to just smear around. For best results it is recommended that you dot and blend lightly. Foundation is great for hiding pores, black heads and evening out skin tone.

Some foundation contains sun screen and others claim to help pimple breakouts. To see if the foundation is right for you, test a small amount out on the back of your hand and see if it blends, if it does then it is perfect. You can dab a dot on your nose, cheeks and forehead and use the makeup tool or your fingers to blend the cream around your face. Take extra care around your hairline and chin to ensure it is well blended.

After foundation you can add some corrective concealer if your skin needs it. A mauve color helps to add color to under the eyes where there may be some dark circles. While green concealer helps to hid red blothy skin and pimples. Concealer can come in a cream, powder and pencil.

Adding lipstick can be the most fun. It will instantly light up your face and create the finished look to your canvas. There are several different kinds of lipstick available. Lip gloss, puts a shimmer of color and gloss to the lips and may or may not have a scent to it, the color looks nice for a short time and then has to be reapplied.

There is also lipstick that is meant to stay on the lips for a long time. This is usually put on and then you have to paint on a thin layer of sealer. It usually comes with the lipstick. The sealer helps the lipstick to stay on after meals, drinks and can last all day. Regular lipstick can be applied and left on, it can last from an hour and on depending on what your doing after you put it on. Many people have to keep applying it through-out the day. Lipstick can be applied on its own, or you can line the lips with a slightly darker shade. The liner helps to make lips look fuller and keeps the color on the lips longer.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

The Right Way of Applying Makeup

Pimple On Lip